There is a vast number of Terminal commands at your disposal while using linux. These commands are divided into groups of access. Some groups of tools require you to have "root" access to use them, (Click here to learn about "root" access) due to the action or configuration the tool will be requesting. Others do not require the "root" level of access, these tools are not modifying any files or applications on the operating system.
-EXAMPLE non-root Terminal Tools:
~$ clear (Clears the terminal session screen by moving all previous commands up and out of site until only the command line is visible)
~$ cd (Change Directory- Used to change to different files(Directories))
anon@anon-Inspiron-3521:~$ cd /home
~$ ls (LiSt- Requests the terminal to list all files in the current directory the terminal is in)
anon@anon-Inspiron-3521:~$ ls
~$ mv (Moves a selected file to a selected location)
I will be using "Example" to be moved to location "Downloads"
anon@anon-Inspiron-3521:~$ mv Example Downloads
And then there are other commands that require root access to use them (most of the time) such as APT. One tool for updating and upgrading and installing apps onto the linux operating system.
There are limitations and restrictions as well as allowances to the root access commands. Read carefully. The commands that require root access ONLY require root access when the command is in direct contect with the operating systems main files or root home folder and is requiesting to change or configure a file or derectory in the main OS derectory. Sounds complicated, i know. But follow along. A file in the "/" location (Which is the place where all of the computer configuration files and coding for applications are) is the main operating systems files, to change or configure a file in this location you must have root privileges.
Here are some commands that wont work with out root privileges.
The "cd" command requiesting the "root" folder:
anon@anon-Inspiron-3521:/$ cd root
bash: cd: root: Permission denied
You can see a "permission denied" notice where the operating system did not allow the requiest for access.
Now to try in under root privleges using the "sudo bash" command to keep our root access for more then one use.
anon@anon-Inspiron-3521:/$ sudo bash
root@anon-Inspiron-3521:/# (Changed to root terminal)
root@anon-Inspiron-3521:/# cd /root
You can now see that the "root" folder is open on the terminal since "/root#" is in front of the terminal command line. (For the future "#" is a sign of "root" access in a terminal)
And that is what a root terminal will look like. If you ever get a permission denied notice, that means that the command your entering requires root privlages. Try sudo in front of whatever your trying to do.
My (Simple) list of commands:
cd -change der
ls -list
mv -move
rm -remove
cp -copy
scrypt -encryption
service -service orderer (porxies and such)
ifconfig -network tool
nano -text editor
sudo -root command when placed in front of a command
sudo bash -perm root command for session
echo -repeat
apt-get install -install app
apt-get update -update system from sources list
apt-get upgrade upgrade system from data stored from update
apt-get dist-upgrade -system upgrade from sources list
I will go over all of these in later posts, please wait.
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